Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Latest Endeavor

I've been collecting vintage things for YEARS. I discovered thrift stores in high school and haven't spent very much money on new clothes since! I prefer the uniqueness and the history that vintage items have.  I have also been hoarding things for ReLove Projects. I'll find a cool vintage dress and think that I may someday want to use it for the fabric, but then the dress is so awesome that I can't bear to cut it! My collection has become quite large...

About a week ago Brad went to a job interview. The job was to take photos of vintage goods to sell online. It was a part-time job, the pay was measly, but it was an opportunity that he wanted to look into nonetheless. The night before his interview I was looking around my house at all of the unnecessary things I have. My first thought was, "I should sell this stuff." That thought developed into an idea and the idea became Vintage Rhino! Brad and I have officially gone into business together selling quality vintage goods.  Brad is the photographer, tech savvy, and business development. I am the artistic director, collector, and customer service. Right now we're both working constantly on getting our website launched, but until then you can check out our goods on Etsy:

We are SO EXCITED! It's been really fun- we make a great team. Vintage Rhino gives me a way to sell my vast collection of unused vintage things, it gives Brad a way to use his photography skills and have a job that will pay more than it would for someone else. Over the weekend we photographed a bunch of things I'm ready to let go of. These are some of my favorites: (click on the picture to be directed to our shop)

Because I appreciate your support over the years, I'm offering 15% off your Vintage Rhino purchase at Etsy. Enter 'ReloveProjects' in the coupon code when you check out!

Oh yeah, and if you're wondering about how Brad's job interview turned out... Before I even pitched my idea he decided that the part-time measly paying job wasn't worth the drive (1 hour + in traffic).


Chase Clark said...

Dude your new shop is awesome! Those owl bookends are sooo tempting! ^_^

ReLove Projects said...

Thanks, Chase! Use the discount! Or wait for a bigger one (thrown out every now and then on twitter/fb).